Welcome to Our Vineyard


East Shore Vineyard is a carefully cultivated 11-acre estate with over 8,250 vines perched on the shores of Lake Champlain. Lake Champlain’s 6.8 trillion gallons of water creates a microclimate that makes the surrounding Champlain Valley an ideal place to grow grapes. Since our Vineyard is just a few hundred feet away from the shores, we take full benefit of the micro-climates advantage.

Our soils are well-drained sandy loam over shale – a blend of soils in which grapes thrive. Our soils and micro-climate create a Terroir reminiscent of some of Northern Europe’s finest grape growing regions. Founders Bob and Linda Livingstone planted the first vines on Grand Isle in 2000 with Ben Durant and other Families.

Our first harvest was in 2002 when twenty-five people helped us pick 4.5 tons of grapes in one day. We sold our grapes commercially to Shelburne Vineyard until 2007 when we were finally ready as a vineyard to make and sell our own wine. We spent the next year getting all of the approvals necessary to open and started selling our wine in 2008. But as we well know, growing grapes, like any agricultural business, has its ups and downs.

In August of 2007, a wind and hailstorm came through Grand Isle and devastated the vineyard. We lost our grape harvest, had to cut the vines down to the ground because of damage, and replant all our vines. So we went from harvesting grapes to buying grapes and juice from the Finger Lakes in New York.

For those of you familiar with our wines, this is the origin of both our Traminette and Cabernet Franc wines. Our first vintage of Traminette won a double gold medal in the 2009 Tasters Guild International Wine Judging Event and our Cabernet Franc won a bronze medal. In 2008 ESV produced 1600 bottles; 2009 – 6000 bottles; 2010 – 15,500 bottles; 2011 – 29,000, and hit a high of 35,000 bottles in 2012. 2013 we have pulled back our production a bit, choosing to focus more on building our Vermont-grown grape varieties. Now our vineyards just need to catch up, and they will as our vines mature and reach their optimal production. 

Meet our Vineyard Partners

Hosmer Vineyard & Winery in New York

It is too cold in Vermont to grow some of our grape varietals, specifically our Cabernet Franc and Traminette.  Fortunately, our friend Cameron Hosmer in the Finger Lakes can grow these varieties.   

Cameron and his wife Maren started planting grapevines in the late 1970s on the property of their family’s summer home on Cayuga Lake.  The farm has grown to over 60 acres of premium wine grapes.  Cameron and Maren also have their own winery and make, among other wonderful wines, award-winning Rieslings. 

What are Fuck Buddies? How to Transition to Friendship or Relationship

So you’re curious about fuck buddies? They’re sex partners with no emotional strings attached. This guide covers everything you need to know about these relationships, from finding a partner to setting boundaries.

Key Points

  • A fuck buddy is a sex partner with no emotional attachment or commitment, just pure physical pleasure without the drama of a relationship.
  • Setting boundaries and being honest is key to a healthy and respectful fuck buddy relationship so you don’t get caught up in misunderstandings and emotional drama.
  • Using online dating platforms like Free Fuckbook makes finding a local fuck buddy easy, with features that help filter matches and get you connected quick and hassle free.

What is a Fuck Buddy?

In short a fuck buddy is a sex partner you have sex with regularly with no emotional attachment or commitment usually found in a romantic relationship. The main goal is to get the sexual benefits without the drama and obligations of a traditional relationship. It’s a no-strings-attached arrangement where the focus is purely on physical pleasure.

Usually both parties in a fuck buddy relationship are clear from the start that their interest is only in casual sex. This understanding allows for a more relaxed and stress free experience where both can enjoy the moment without worrying about the future. The goal is mutual pleasure and satisfaction, often reaching sexual ecstasy.

Why Fuck Buddies

So why do people get into fuck buddy arrangements? One of the main attractions is the ability to get sexual satisfaction without the commitment. With this arrangement you can focus on other areas of your life like career or personal growth without the emotional demands of a committed relationship. For those with busy schedules this can be a perfect fit.

Another attraction is the opportunity to try different relationship styles and sexual desires with different sexual partners. Fuck buddy relationships can offer a type of intimacy that’s different from traditional committed relationships. These relationships give partners a chance to experiment and discover new aspects of their sexuality. This can be especially empowering for younger women who often feel more confident and free to express themselves without societal judgement.

And fuck buddy arrangements can lead to increased confidence and a better sex life. Without the drama of jealousy and insecurity these relationships can be super satisfying and fun. The lack of emotional baggage makes the experience more enjoyable and stress free for both. It’s a win win where both partners get to enjoy all the benefits of a sexual relationship without the hassle.

How to Find a Fuck Buddy

Finding a fuck buddy has never been easier with the many online dating sites and mobile hookup apps for casual encounters. One of the most popular platforms for this is our free fuck app, an international adult dating sex site for casual sex. It’s a 100% free online adult dating site so anyone can use it to find a local sex partner. In fact many users consider it the best free fuck site.

Free Fuckbook has many features to help you find your match whether you’re looking for a casual fb relationship or something more. Some of these features include:

  • Filter your searches by location, physical characteristics, age range and more so you can find local girls or guys that match your criteria
  • ‘Meet N Fuck Near Me’ feature to find a fuck buddy in your area fast and easy
  • Quick and hassle free registration so you can start meeting partners in no time.

Once you find a profile that interests you, interacting with potential fuck buddies is easy. You can:

  • Send messages and get to know each other before meeting up
  • Read user tips and reviews on the platform to get some insight
  • Make the most of your experience and find a compatible friend with benefits

These platforms are convenient and direct so finding a casual sex partner is easy.

Creating an Attractive Profile

When looking for a fuck buddy having an attractive profile is key. High quality photos are a must; choose images with solid backgrounds or outdoor settings to make your profile more appealing. Your photos should be of you at your best and give potential matches an idea of who you are.

Your bio is just as important. Think of your bio as a proposal to potential matches, what you bring to the table in a casual sex arrangement. Keeping your bio mysterious with minimal information can also be intriguing to potential partners. Don’t forget to include your interests and desires; this makes your profile more attractive and helps find a compatible match.

Setting Boundaries

In any fuck buddy relationship setting boundaries is necessary for safety, respect and satisfaction for both parties. Boundaries are not rules but firm expectations to keep the relationship intact. Clear boundaries prevent misunderstandings and makes sure both partners are on the same page.

Sexual boundaries might include how often you have sex and your comfort levels with certain activities or additional partners. Relational boundaries might include rules about spending the night, dating others and public displays of affection. Personal boundaries might include how often you communicate when not together and if you’re comfortable introducing each other to friends and family.

It’s important to communicate these boundaries clearly and to review them as the relationship evolves. If a boundary is broken acknowledge and correct the behavior ASAP. Keeping the dialogue open about boundaries ensures mutual understanding and respect.

Healthy Fuck Buddy Relationship

Three things are key to a healthy fuck buddy relationship: communication, respect and emotion management. These are important to ensure both partners are satisfied and the relationship runs smoothly.

Let’s get into each of these.

Communication Is Everything

Any successful fuck buddy relationship is built on clear and open communication. From the start transparent conversations about expectations can help determine if the arrangement will work. Managing expectations with regular check-ins can prevent misunderstandings and keep both parties on the same page.

Talking about boundaries early on, like frequency of meetups or sleepovers, builds trust and sets the relationship up for smooth sailing. Revisiting these conversations as the relationship evolves can avoid unnecessary emotional damage. If one starts to feel something, addressing it honestly can prevent hurt and keep things balanced.

Also talking about interests and desires as outlined in each other’s profiles can create connections and make the relationship more enjoyable. Remember open dialogue is key to a successful fuck buddy relationship.

Respect and Consent

In any fuck buddy relationship respect and consent is key. Respecting each other’s boundaries and getting mutual consent for everything ensures both parties feel safe and valued. This mutual respect allows for more sexual exploration and enjoyment without fear of overstepping.

Agreeing to see other people and using protection creates trust and respect. These conversations are important for a healthy and respectful dynamic between fuck buddies.

Emotion Management

Emotion management is important in a fuck buddy relationship. Managing expectations can prevent disappointment and make sure both parties know what the arrangement is. Recognizing and addressing feelings can prevent one sided emotional attachments that can complicate the relationship.

Be aware of your feelings and communicate openly. If emotions get too much it may be time to reevaluate the relationship and see if it’s still serving its purpose.

Problems and How to Fix Them

Even with the best of intentions fuck buddy relationships can have problems. One common problem is developing feelings which can complicate the arrangement and cause heartache. Setting clear emotional boundaries and addressing any uncomfortable feelings early can prevent these complications in the fuck buddy thing.

Jealousy is another problem especially if one party is dating others. Understanding the root of jealousy and working through insecurities can reduce these feelings. Miscommunication is also a big risk so clear and open dialogue about the relationship and boundaries is key.

Sexual Health and Safety

In any casual sex arrangement sexual health and safety comes first. Using condoms with all partners is a basic precaution to prevent STIs. Talking about sexual health practices like consistent condom use ensures both parties are on the same page about safety.

Talking about sexual health and if you’re seeing other partners helps manage risk and keep things transparent. Getting tested for STIs before you stop using condoms is important for both parties safety.

When to Stop Fucking

Knowing when to end a fuck buddy relationship is just as important as knowing how to start one. Signs it might be time to stop include feeling feelings, making future plans together and wanting more of their time. If the relationship is preventing you from dating seriously or making you unhappy it may be time to end it.

The relationship should be fun and enjoyable. If it’s not and is causing more stress than pleasure it’s time to stop fucking. Also if your fuck buddy has another serious partner who doesn’t know about your relationship it’s a clear sign to end it.

Can Fuck Buddies Become More?

While some fuck buddy relationships can become romantic relationships, this is not a guarantee and shouldn’t be expected. Real life examples do exist where casual hookups have turned into long term relationships and even marriage but these are the exception not the rule. So if you’re looking to fuck tonight remember to keep your expectations in check with casual sex.

Open communication about evolving feelings and expectations is key if both parties want to transition into something more serious. But banking on this transition will lead to disappointment so be realistic about the arrangement.


A fuck buddy relationship can be fun if done with clear communication, mutual respect and boundaries. From finding a partner on Free Fuckbook to sexual health and when to stop, every step is important to get the most out of this thing. Whether you want to turn it into a friendship or a more serious relationship the key is to be honest and open about your feelings and expectations. Enjoy the ride and remember it’s all about mutual pleasure.


What is a fuck buddy?

A fuck buddy is someone you have sex with without any emotional attachment or commitment.

How do I find a fuck buddy?

You can find a fuck buddy through online dating sites and mobile hookup apps like Free Fuckbook which are focused on casual sex. Just be clear about your intentions and communicate openly.

Why are fuck buddy relationships good?

Fuck buddy relationships are good because they give you sexual pleasure without the need for commitment so you can focus on other areas of your life.

What are the boundaries to set in a fuck buddy relationship?

In a fuck buddy relationship you need to set boundaries around sex, sleeping over and communication to make sure both parties are on the same page. These boundaries will keep the arrangement healthy and mutual.

Can a fuck buddy become romantic?

Yes but not guaranteed. Be clear and realistic.

Special Romance Deal For AsianSexDates.com Users

Attention users of Asian Sex Dates looking to find a sex partner! We have a special offer just for you. If you sign up now, we will include a full-day wine tasting experience with dinner in your package. You’ll also receive free shipping on this special Asian Sex Date Romance Package Deals!

The price for the romantic getaway package is only $199 per person for a limited time only. Sign up now to reserve your place at one of our packages today!

Signing Up For This Special Romance Package Is Easy

Just go to asiansedates.com and sign up for free! You don’t need to upgrade to a premium membership. Get the coupon code from your account once signed up. Then visit our website and use that coupon code. The package is available through October 31st, 2022.

The next step is to start chatting and meet someone on the site. That’s how it all begins. And when you’re ready, book a reservation at one of our packages. It’s really easy to do and all your details are kept safe and secure.

What The Deal Includes

A day of wine tasting and dining. Each participant will enjoy a full-day of wine tasting with lunch and dinner included at several local wineries. Wine tastings are conducted by trained professionals who know their stuff!

An overnight stay in one of our beautiful guest rooms. Your room will be spacious and comfortable. There’s also a heated indoor pool, sauna, jacuzzi and much more!

Private transportation to and from the vineyards. Our chauffeur-driven car is perfect for getting around and making sure everyone gets where they need to go. You’ll arrive relaxed and refreshed.

Our romantic packages are always popular. Book yours now before we run out of availability!

Tasting Room

Welcome To Our Tasting Room

Our Tasting Room and Wine Bar are located at the top of the Church Street Market Place, Vermont’s largest pedestrian-only open-air shopping district. The Tasting Room is the perfect stop in Burlington for a wine tasting,  wine by the glass, and Vermont-made appetizers. Our rotating selection of Vermont-made cheese boards and chocolate pairings can make each visit unique and allows returning friends to enjoy our quality wines with many pairing options. 

Avilable Wines For Tastings And For Sale By The Bottle


Traminette: Slightly spicy, off-dry white wine that harkens back to its gewürztraminer roots; citrus blossom on the nose, tropical fruit on the palate that finishes with a brisk, very clean acidity.          

La crescent: Sweet white wine that has deep apricot and peach flavors with a crisp, balanced finish. This is a cold-hardy grape that thrives on our 11-acre estate. 


Cabernet Franc: Medium-bodied, highly aromatic red, with a plum cherry start, and tobacco finish with a distinctive, tangy “old world” feel. 

Marquette: Made from grapes grown in Vermont.  This Marquette is marked by notes of black cherries, spice, and a hint of leather. This is a cold-hardy grape that thrives on our 11-acre estate. 

St. Croix: A juicy fruit-driven red wine that is medium-bodied and zesty. Bright acidity complements the flavors of ripe cranberries, red currants, black raspberry & pepper. Some say St. Croix reminds them of the wines of Beaujolais.   

Ice Wine

Vidal ice wine: Canadian grapes picked at the coldest moment of a winter’s night. Each frozen grape produces just one drop of this magical nectar. Serve ice cold with dessert or as a dessert. Vidal ice was 36 Brix at harvest,  and 16% rs the following fermentation. 


Vermont Wine Sustanably Grown and Produced

At East Shore Vineyard, we carefully blend our varietals to create wines that are easy to drink and pair exceptionally well with a variety of international cuisine. Our wines have the reputation of being bright, fruit-driven, and beautifully balanced. Uncork a bottle of one of our hand-crafted wines and you too will soon have a new favorite.

Zouise Swenson (750 ml)

Our Louise Swenson is a dry, crisp and refreshing white wine with notes of citrus and pear. A similar flavor profile to a New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc or a White Bordeaux. Grapes are Estate Grown on our vineyard in Grand Isle. NEW 2013 RELEASE COMING SOON!Pairings – Cheddar cheese, shrimp scampi, grilled chicken, or pasta dishes with vegetables.

Suggested Retail Price – $19

Traminette (750 ml)

A hybrid of the Gewurztraminer grape, our Traminette is harvested in the Finger Lakes region of New York.  A  slightly spicy on the nose with hints of citrus blossom and pineapple.  Clean, brisk acidity balances out the finish with a touch of sweetness. 

Pairings – Spicy Thai, grilled shrimp, coconut curry, grilled cheddar cheese sandwiches with apple slices.

Suggested Retail Price – $16

Summer Snow (750 ml)

One of the native grapes to the Northeast, Catawba is the grape in our Summer Snow.  A fruit-driven white wine that is semi-dry and reminiscent of fresh-picked Concord grapes.  This wine is bright and easy to drink! 

Pairings – Chocolate-covered pretzels, brie, and an Adirondack chair on the back deck!

Suggested Retail Price – $16

Little Sister Blush (375 ml)
This crisp, fruity and refreshing blush has hints of peach, raspberry, tropical fruits, and a touch of sweetness. Made from Frontenac Gris grapes grown by our friends from Little Sister Vineyard in Saint Albans Vermont.

Pairings – Perfect for sipping on a hot summer day or serving with a fresh spinach salad with strawberries and goat cheese.

Suggested Retail Price – $10

La Crescent (500 ml)

A hearty cold climate grape, La Crescent is related to Muscat.  The sweetest of our white wines, it is bursting with peach and apricot flavors with the perfect balance of acid and fruit.  Grapes are Estate Grown on our vineyard in Grand Isle. Currently sold out of the 2011 vintage!

Pairings – White chocolate, bijou cheese, baked brie with apricot jam.

Suggested Retail Price – $8